Shh…just sneaking in a post

Took a self-imposed hiatus on personal hobbies (reading, modding, gaming, drawing, etc) until about fall of 2019. Real life is just very demanding right now and will let up by then.

I have not, and will not abandon ADP.  It’s my fave little project. I know it’s been in the works for….ahem…many years, but I’m too close to not finish at least the base goal (of all walls, floors and surfaces).

PLUS!!! if you haven’t heard, there is an open source project called OpenTesArena. It is fairly far along and you can find out more about it at or

Although it won’t support hi-resolution textures out the gate, the author is considering mod support post 1.0. Hopefully at minimum, he supports a normal graphic file format. I have suggested a few things that would make graphics modding easier, so fingers crossed.

Also, anyone looking for my other Arena mods…you can find them (and a few others) at

– Martin

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